Page name: A burgulars halloween [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-01 12:37:29
Last author: sequeena_rae
Owner: sequeena_rae
# of watchers: 7
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A burgulars Halloween

We need to top last years condom theme.

Another project of [sequeena_rae] and [starry_bellend].
We're here to entertain x)

October 4th 2006; The preperations begin...

<img100*0:> <img100*0:> <img100*0:> <img100*0:>

Checklist: To be checked off as and when we get it :P

Stripey tops (preferrably black and white) - Got.
Black trousers (preferrably without fur) - Got.
Balaclava/tights - Never used in the end xD
Old pillowcases - Got.
Black markers - Got.
Face paints - Got. (thank god for Lisa's nanna.) Didn't use
Card (for mugshots) - Got.

October 31st 2006. Location: Lisa's house.

Taken towards the end of the night XD I was crapped!
Ze swag bag <3
Bah! Tis blurry, but oh well. I think we're destined to not have a good photo together Lisa ;-;
Lisa's nanna on the left, and Gwyneth on the right XD
Spooky o.o;
Stacey's husband! XD
I didn't know Bernadine was coming!! :o
Random bunch of kids x)
Aww :3
o.O; The lighting is weird
Nenenenen BATMAN!
Erm, it's ze double u? \/\/
Lisa got egged!
Lisa's reaction to getting egged xD
The moon :3
Pin the dick on the skeleton xD
I am...Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!
What not to do with a broom
Such a poser XD
Grah! She doesn't like her photos taken T_T
Me with Carl (Lisa's brother), Aimee (Lisa's sister), and Dawn (Lisa's mother) in the background :P
Randoms lol
Scary Lisa ._.
Wot is dis random? :o
Go Lisa xP
Stacey on the trampoline xD
Bouncy! Owww ._.
Erm, she's dancing apparently xD
Perverted skeleton!!! :O
Budabudabudabuda dis is not my sandwich!
._. Oops?

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2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: oh yeah do kate n katie still wrk there

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: I think so, they were there at my mothers 50th. Aaron Morris works there too.

2006-10-06 [IanAPe]: i like chocolate

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: So do I :P
Funnily enough, my sister bought me those ones from Lidls lmao

2006-10-06 [IanAPe]: roflmao

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lol landed i had a box of miniture heros of me father but i couldnt eat many of em so carl eat the rest lmao fuk hes well up my hole tonight mind aint he lol

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: Oh ini, now you have to ask yourself 'what does he want?' XD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: my point exactly lol but put it this way if ur father offered to buy u a car wouldnt u do any fukin thing lol

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: Fuck yeah xD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lmao omg i cant wait now lk :D can see us now cruisin round windows down music blarin lmao

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: Of course :D I can also see us crashing xD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lol no we wont mun put it this way if we crash its my life in danger too and i really wanna endanger that wont i lol

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: Oh of course xD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lol theres an arguement goin on downstairs between rob n muva about whether foreigners(u know the word i had in mind but this is a public page lmao) have a right to be in the uk

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: Ah, and I'm assuming Rob thinks they shouldn't? xD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: oui lol theres a heated debate about the wearin of curtains lmao

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: LMAO! XD
Now that's a way to describe the foulard (yah, that's the other one, but well, we must be discrete on these public places xD)

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lmfao ini cant be showin our true colours ....GOLLYWOG!!

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: *stares at horrified* Well there goes our cover XD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lmfaooo i know :) sorry my bad

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: I swear you're turning more American everyday xD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lmao american ghetto leader lmao

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: *snicker* Pointy hood time? :P

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: ye lmao it aint neef neef neef anymore its kkk kkk kkk lmao

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: XD! That's the one lmao
I'm starting to think we need a change of costume xD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lamo omg that would be funny as fuck

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: I don't think people would get our humour though, especially if Carys' friend is going XD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: lmao ini lk my nannas neighbours goin as well n shes a bit up tight lol omg i got somethin funny as fuck to tell you bout my nanna but ill ave to tell you to your face for it to have the desired effect lol

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: Are we talking 'me choking and crying over you farting' type of effect? xD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: yes lol better than that lmao

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: Oh god no xD *prepares self* you know, it is possible to kill me by too much laughter right? XD

2006-10-06 [starry_bellend]: yes lol i think it is anyway thats all for tonight untill we meet again lol hwyl xx

2006-10-06 [sequeena_rae]: Hwyl xD xx

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lovin the checklist lol well have to look around for the rest of the shit in the week lol :P

2006-10-08 [IanAPe]: lol

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lol i cant think where well get a balaclava from without looking suspicious :P hmm

2006-10-08 [IanAPe]: hmmmmmmmm dunno

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: xD If we can't find one, we'll just go with the tights lmao

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: yeah lol omshamed tho thinkin of us with a pair of tights on our heads, faces all squashed up and that lmao

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Tennis balls in the ends lmao

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lmfaooo omg its gonna be class :P

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Oh the shame though lmao
We'll pose for photos and shit with the tights on then take them off xD

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: ye lmaoo thats a good idea or how will we fill our faces lol

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: We shall die of starvation!
See, I knew those pillow cases would come in handy x)

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lmao ye mun lootin the food :P

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Oh ini xD

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: fuck weve had more shit written on this than memoirs of a nun and this only consists of four photos lmao

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Everyone get your arse over to memoirs of a nun and comment on our lemony art goodness :3

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lmao we should go back in the church in neath on day n get some authentic fotos or go to margam abbey lol

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Oh yeah! XD lmao!

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: pmsl we aint been there in a while should be a laugh posin in front of the tombs lmao

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: xD You scaredy cat, you wouldn't do it last time lmao

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lmao it freaked me out :P and i was thinking omg what if we are encouraged to leave by the bags on the till lmao

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Fuck no lmao, we're stronger xD

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: ye but they have god on their team lmao

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Like he can do anything to us lmao

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: i suppose we have lucifer lol

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: In the form of a cat >:D

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lol ye :P

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Except he likes to lick instead of take your soul o.o;

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: pmsl yes and he isnt big fat and red with horns talking of which captain beany was up town yesterday lmao :P trying to grope me as i made my way out of woolworths lol

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Well he is fat lmao!
No way! :o he never!

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: ye i was crying. i said to him oh butt is that tan real or have you been hitting the sun beds lol

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: What did he say? XD

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: he said its real i said yeah butt thats what david dickinson said lmao

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao, oh god, I bet you he lives up to his name and tans himself with beans x_X

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lmao ive no doubt the wanker as he his i should of challenged him over his benefit fraud :P

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: XD Oh the burning shame lmao

2006-10-08 [starry_bellend]: lmao ini like see oyu later love xxx

2006-10-08 [sequeena_rae]: See you XD xxxxx

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: 24 hours and counting (dont forget le camera sar lol ):P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Eh, omg I have to make those card things!!! *panic*
Meh, I'll do it tomorrow xD
And I most certainly won't :P

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao dont worry if push comes to shove well do it here lol :P oh im seeing eyeballs on my table lol were gonne make a hand out of ice and have it coming out of a bowl of orange juice lol:P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: :o I am SO getting a photo of that!

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: omg ini some of the decorations mind we got a massive bat in one corner and a huge inflatable spider on a web in another lol

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Wow o.o;
You're really going all out lol

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: omg ini its amazing thought sez cobwebs, a big glow in the dark skeleton lol loads of spiders these little hands on the table lol its good mind

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Eeep, I'm scared already o.o;

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: omg I can be an attraction! Quasimodo! XD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao! yeah mun why not :P we got a scary cd aswell ;) lmao and kareoke im sure youll be up giving it the monkey man again pmsl!!

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: WoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!!
omg lmao! I'll never forgive you for that XD
Next year I'm going to be Lurch :3

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao omg next year im going as a fucking scarecrow they had a beast of a cozzie in wilkos lmao

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao!! What a duo we'd make xD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: oh ini lk jeckle and hyde we should go as lmao!

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: xD I want to be Dr. Jeckyl!!!

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: ok ill be the monstourous beast lmao

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao! Nothing new then xD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao thanks :P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: You're welcome x)

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lol mr hyde... do you think i'd resemble rowan ? lol

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: LMAO!
If you died your hair ginger, grew 10 feet and put on 7 stone, perhaps xD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: Lmao, sounds about right to me lol, i prefer to be little old me lol

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: *pet pet* very little old you xD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: yes i shrank in the rain :( but who would u prefer me or rowan lmao

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: ...Do I really have ot choose? XD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: haaaaaaaahhhhhh< that was an intake of breath lol. The insult lmao!

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: *bows for* I'm good, I'm good xD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: Lmao, just for the hell of it "little shop, little shop of horrors, little shop little, shop of terrors, bop shoe bop lmao "

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Little shop, little shop of terror!!! X)

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao omg i have to download that fucker, im in the mood now :P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: I have them <3 *plays blasting* xD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: yes!! neef neef neef lol

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: download mc vapor -halloween lol the begining is good lol

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Or not ¬_¬ I somehow managed to put 'Wisemen' on xD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao never mind :P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Hmm, that's what I get for having a random playlist on XD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lol well i have no playlist on and am currently listening to some girls get raped over the green lol. Its quite entertaining :P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: o.O;
*makes banner* "LISA IS A PERVERT!!!!!"

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao!

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: *changes banner*

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao, put it in the window for all to see lol

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Okay! :D *gets some lights to go around it*

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao i better watch lee cokley when i see im

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: He'll be onto you ;)

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: yeah hell be humping my leg on the bus next lol

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Oh God, the images! XD

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmao hes more of a weasle than a dog though in he lol

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: I think of him more as a leech lmao

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: lmfao!! a parasite :P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: A flea that needs squashing >:D

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: yes a liam w look a like ;:P

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: Eeeeeew >_<

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: ini lk gives me the shits just thinking of it lol ugly bastard!

2006-10-30 [sequeena_rae]: I have to live by it!
Or are we talking about cunt dog?

2006-10-30 [starry_bellend]: both lol :P

2006-10-31 [sequeena_rae]: We're both doomed ;-;

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: Last night was good lol

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: omg it was hysterical xD

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: lmao at the pics especially the one with the eggy leggy, oh the memories lol

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: it's always you lmao

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: lmao! ini, omcrying though lol and the yokes that came after it lmao

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: Shell shocked Lisa? xD

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: lmao oh aye mun you ok there mother? lmao

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: Oh fuck off lmao xD

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: The kids left half their trick or treat money and sweets yuh lmao

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: :o no way! XD

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: yeah lmao the fools!I was about to say pinch punch then but realised the time lol

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: Ah you silly cow xD

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: oh ini i cant believe it though november already itll be aimees birthday next lol yet another occasion to celebrate lol

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: Oh fuck yeah xD

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: lol lets hope shes mature this year and goes for a meal in the pied piper lol

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: Oh yesh >.> *hint hint*

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: lmao chicken tikka and mint sauce stuff mmmm

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: Shuuurrrruuuuup! XD

2006-11-01 [Dreathnor]: Brilliant you two!

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: Merci x)

2006-11-01 [Dreathnor]: Denada

2006-11-01 [The Blood Angel]: Looks like you've had alot of fun :p

2006-11-01 [sequeena_rae]: Well aye mun >:D

2006-11-01 [Corazie]: Lambrini?? Lmfao xD

2006-11-01 [starry_bellend]: whats wrong with lambrini lol??

2006-11-01 [Corazie]: Nothing, I was drinking it on Saturday... Lmfao xD

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: oh right :P

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: I lurve lambrini lmao

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Ditto especially cherry one :P

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: omg yeah *dies*

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Also home made snowballs lol :)

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm x)

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Aimee has just about got that stuff out of her hair lmao

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: o.O; No way!

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Im shes been leaving black everywhere for days like, that'll teach her anyway :P

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Poor child xD
I didn't even notice if she had it in her hair last night o.O;

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: It was tinged a slight grey colour lol

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Oh o.o; I thought it was erm, well, blonde xD

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Ok Im having a slight difficulty seeing the keyboard lol, im actually like mr michaels doing the register so i think its time to put the light on :P. Ive done my bit for global warming lmao

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: o.O;
You're a vampire!!!!

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Yes i've been hanging upside down all day and now it's time for me to emerge lmao!

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: BAH!
I need garlic, quick!

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Think of me as bernadines husband rather than the evil minion of the moon lmao. Pale as fuck with fangs ;p

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: o.o;
omg I need fucking rat poison, stuff the garlic xD

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Lmao, it didnt work for seymor lmao

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Bollocks!
Well stuff diving into the stomach of a human eating plant armed only with a plastic knife xD

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Lmao! Imagine what happened when the plant had his daily shit after that evening lmao, a pair of stilletoes and a plastic knife cant be easy to eject!

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Yeeeeouch, and it's not as if the plant could reuse them in his plant body xD

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Ini like, i thought it was very ironic ow she sang 'somewhere thats green' just before being eaten by a plant lol dont you agree?

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Oh yeah! I agree xD
And the fact that Seymour loved her so much yet he chucked her in the plant before she even died lmao

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Lmao ini and watched her scream, i rekon he was secretly a sadist :P

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Well yeah, Seymour is an edda <3

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Ini he should join our mod posse and we can all go to defn coed together lmao, he can sing for us :P and we can poke him with cocktail sticks and make him dance ;P

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Yeah!!!! :D Sounds like a good night to me!! XD
*gets the tortoise* erm >.>

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Lmao yeah i wonder if your allowed to keep your socks on in cefn coed lmao i dont like showing my feet pmsl! (for obvious reasons)

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: o.O; And those reasons are? xD

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: *cough* hobbit *cough*
Did you get it lmao??

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: *snicker* Ahh
I'm the same on that front XP

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Lmao i can do straight jackets just as long as i can wear socks in the padded cell lmao!

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: I'm sure they'll let you have them :3
How could socks harm you? xD

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Well, we could always fill them with stones and pelt them at randoms out the window lmao??

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: ...Wonderful idea!! :D

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Hopefully someone we hate will strut by, maybe bernie visiting her estranged hubbie lmao

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Or even Zara!! :D

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Omg yeah lmao, if she dies we can be criminally insane lmao!

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Nuh uh, they would so let us out then so we could feast on her blood!
Err >.>

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Yeah and if they didnt let us out we'd feast on their blood first lmao!

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Yeah!! *said like that man off the phones 4 u advert* YEEEAAAAAH!!!

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Lmao! Then we'd get on the front of the evening post lmao!

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: omg really? :3 That's my ultimate goal in life!

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: Yeah ditto like lmao!

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: xD!!!

2006-11-02 [starry_bellend]: I is signing out *salutes* but remember dib dib dub dub we are the mods!! see you love :P x

2006-11-02 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao! Over and out love!

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